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Jackie Andrews

My studio work explores the intersection between collage, installation, sculpture, and jewelry. I compose material interventions on vintage ephemera and objects, adorned with beading, stone settings, textile embellishments, and archival collage elements. My creative practice is thematically and conceptually expansive, acting as a laboratory space to explore queerness and gender, investigate the conceptual structures of kitsch and camp aesthetics, and engage my interests in collecting, archiving, natural history, and art history with a touch of wit.
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Community Connections

An installation, an exhibit, a bookshelf, a collection, the curatorial work of selecting and pinning ideas, images, ways of knowing and seeing, hoping the effort captures the interest of the one who most needs to notice.

Jonas Lamb

Prof. Library Science, University of Alaska Southeast

When I look at this work I see not only the informational components of the research process but also the creativity, daydreams, and connections to the world around us inspired by lifelong learning. 

Jen Delgado

Librarian, HB duPont Middle School