What is the life many imagine when it comes to a book, a piece of information, or
a library? Are pages in pieces worth something without being in a whole book? What
is the value of a physical book over the electronic book, and further, technology
amid preserving the past? Questions librarians and the public seek are represented.
Harry Brake
President, Delaware Association of School Librarians
This piece makes me sad. The decay reminds one that even though something may have
been loved or cherished at one time, it can over time be weathered to the point
of nonrecognition. The phrase "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" resounds... Libraries
have and will continue to change both physically and conceptually throughout the
ages - but their soul and purpose of - especially that of sharing knowledge - must
still be cared for, nurtured, and passed on in perpetuity.
Public LIbrary Director, Paden City Public Library